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[Legal Information]

Data Collection Purpose

Basically, our websites and offers are meant to be used by you, to show you and introduce you to our offers and to give you access to our offers and products, as well as troubleshooting and research. Collected data is mainly either data necessary for sales processing and licensing, to access our products, for correspondence (like troubleshooting, information on new products, new features, website changes or changes of terms and conditions, and more) or to improve our websites and service for you, to provide you with products and services you request from us, to present content in the most effective, interesting and relevant manner for you and on your device and to establish steady contact, to provide you with important and interesting information like for example product updates or other goods and services similar to the ones you have already purchased. We also log security relevant user activities.

Collected Data

All websites collect a variety of basic anonymous statistical data, including but not only where visitors come from, browser type and operating system, page response times, device type (like desktop, mobile or tablet), which pages visitors go to first and last, how long they stay, in case provided additional demographic data and similar information. We also track referrals and link clicks. According data is not tied to specific users or personal data. The data is used to make sure our technology and services are as relevant as possible to you, as well as identifying interests and trends to make sure we provide you with the best service possible.

In case of sales, collected data depends on the payment processor in use. Among others, we mainly use Papal as primary payment processor. Also, many payment processes are based on or require an email address. All purchases are strictly tied to this email address and therefore the email address is essential for the use license and for product access. Therefore the email address is collected with your purchase. Your email address will also be used to establish steady contact and to provide you with updates and interesting information. Provided voluntarily or with purchase it will be added to an according mailing list or lists. If you don’t want to receive product updates or interesting additional information, you can unsubscribe from the according mailing list at any time, using the according link in one of the sent emails. The according database entry will be instantly and completely removed from the according mailing list. Please note: product access, licensing and other mailing lists are not affected by unsubscribing. In case of another payment method (like for example credit card) other information relevant to the processing might be collected.

To improve our service for you, we perform anonymous surveys to understand your interests. To receive the best possible service, it is in your best interest to take surveys and answer our questions completely and honestly.

Also security relevant activities, like sign ins, sign outs or changes made by users are automatically logged. Log entries are limited in either number of entries or time and excessive data is constantly removed automatically. The data is usually monitored irregularly and primarily in case necessary, to either maintain security or also to resolve issues and support requests.

Data Storage

Depending on the according service, data can be stored either with our hosting provider or with external third party providers. For instance, security logs are tied to the our website and logged along with other website data with our hosting provider. In case of mailing lists, we might or might not use “local” or external services of third parties, like for example Aweber, Getresponse or Mailchimp. In this case, the data is stored with the according service provider.

Please note: in any and all cases employees of the according service providers (also our hosting provider) will have access to all according data for technical reasons, like for example maintenance. Providers, especially hosting providers usually don’t access or use this data. But since we have no influence in this particular case, we are not responsible for actions of the according service providers and there employees and we do not accept any liabilities, responsibilities or obligations whatsoever regarding actions and responsibilities of our service providers and there employees. Also our security capabilities are limited to the limits given by our service providers. Please also understand, in case of use of third party services, the according service provider(s) are going to have their own terms and conditions, as well as their own privacy policies, which you have to agree to upon use.

All collected and stored data is required to provide you with certain services. In reverse this means, there is a way you can make sure all data is deleted, but it would require to not only unsubscribe from all mailing lists, but also give up all product access and use licenses and in case, your affiliate account too. Should you really consider this option, be sure about it before taking action. Because once all data is deleted, there is no other way of restoring it, other than completely starting over and buying the product or products again.

Data Protection

Data protection is very important to us and besides anonymous analytical and statistical data, especially personal data is only collected in case necessary. Further data has to be provided by you on a voluntary basis.

Provided data is only use by us and to provide you with our services. Meaning, we might also provide you with interesting third party information and offers, but we do NOT pass on, share or sell user data. Especially not without your permission.

Exceptions of this rule are law enforcement and government in case of an according investigation. We also reserve the right to use anonymous user data for advertising purposes and to provide you with valuable and relevant information. If required, personal information will only be used with your prior permission.

Please note, certain data might be used by third parties in case necessary, to provide the according service. For instance and mainly data to process your payments or like mentioned above, third party mailing services. In this case we do NOT accept any liabilities, obligations or responsibilities regarding your data, according protection, use or resulting direct or indirect injuries, damages, losses or omissions. Also, you might want to read the according legal and other basic information of the according platforms, payment processors and partners.

Please be aware that there are inherent security risks in providing and transmitting data (such as e-mails) via the Internet. Therefore it is impossible to completely protect all data against all sorts of security risks and unauthorized access. So please think carefully about data you are willing to provide BEFORE you do so. Of course we will give our best effort to protecting your data within our capabilities. But since it is virtually impossible to guarantee total data safety and since you always have the second choice of not buying or providing your data, we accept no liabilities whatsoever for provided data, data protection or resulting problems like for example damage, injury, omission or loss.

Help us to protect your personal data by following these rules:

1. Staying logged in after accessing products and pages is a severe security risk. ALWAYS LOG OUT!

2. Never ever share or pass on any access data.

3. Never access products or pages from public devices. And if possible, always choose landlines over wireless connections. Especially for payments, account logins or to provide or access sensible data.

4. In case you access products or pages from devices other than your own (for instance your friends computer), make sure passwords and login data are not saved and saved passwords and cookies are deleted after your session.

5. In case asked, always use strong passwords AND USERNAMES! Both, strong usernames and passwords consist of not only a long string but also a variety of different characters, like alternating uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. The easiest way to do so is to imagine a random sentence that is easy to remember. For your username or password now use all first letters of the sentence, numbers and special characters. This trick provides you with a variety of characters, as well as an easy way to remember your passwords 😉

6. Unless you are 100% sure provided data and messages are legit, never open links from suspicious emails and never provide personal data or access data to anyone. Always open links from original links or best directly in your browser. Use bookmarks to save original access links. In case you have trouble identifying the validity of a message, please contact our support BEFORE use! Better safe than sorry 😉  To identify spam links, you can hover your mouse cursor over the a link and watch the status bar at the bottom. You might see the address of the site the link is connected to. If it isn’t connected to an original URL (also watch correct spelling and the term being in the front of the URL, not somewhere in the back), it’s highly likely spam. Even if supposedly sent from a valid email address. Alternatively you can right-click the link, copy the link URL and just paste it into the address line of your browser without opening it. Again you can check for the correct URL and identify frauds.

7. Please be careful with providing data to third parties or publically, like for example profile data on websites or in forums. It is your responsibility to provide only data you don’t mind sharing publically or with third parties. Just because people don’t have permission to use your data, doesn’t mean they don’t use it. And when damage is already done, it can’t be taken back.

Contact Data Protection

If you obtain any information of people associated with this website or other users, you are not allowed to use any personal data whatsoever without the permission of the according user and in another than the permitted way.

Contact data may offer the opportunity to personally get in touch with other like-minded people, but with providing contact data users, website owner and publishers have NOT permitted collection or use of the contact data in another way or by third-parties.

Especially but not only data collection,publishing data, use of data in any kind of way and advertisings to users without permission of the particular user or using website related contact data (for example the support email address) constitutes illegal misuse and spamming! All violations will be punished to the full extent of the law without exceptions.

If you wish to provide our users with interesting information or offers, please send an according request to our support and provide the necessary information. If possible, we will not only help you match your offers with the interests of our users and our schedule, but also send it legally to user who have not denied permission to receive according information.

Anti-Spam Policy

We too have to deal with and fight spam every day and we hate spam. Our intention is to offer you valuable and accurate information to help you create an income or a business and also improve both. Using our websites and offers you can either voluntarily subscribe to our mailing lists or by making use of our offers, you might be added to our mailing lists automatically. For our mailing lists we primarily collect/use only your email address, since it is necessary for the contact. We do however reserve the right to collect more additional data. In case you don’t want to receive further information, you can find an according sign-out link in each email messages we send to you. Using the link and following the instructions will remove your entry from the according mailing list completely and immediately and you will receive no further messages from the according mailing list. Please bear in mind, depending on the mailing list you unsubscribe from, you will also miss out on important information like product updates or upgrades and similar valuable information. Also understand, you might be subscribed to more than one mailing list. Your unsubscribing immediately removes you from the according mailing list. It affects the particular mailing list and this mailing list only. It does NOT affect other lists or any purchases or according contracts. Unsubscribing from a mailing list does NOT remove your basic purchase contract or access. If you want to unsubscribe from all mailing lists or remove your product access, please contact our support.

We do NOT allow any collection or use of user data (meaning all involved people, including but not only owners, assisting people, partners, website users, buyers, …), including but not only collecting email or postal addresses and use for illegal spamming. Also we do NOT allow unauthorized people to access or use our company, business or email data or our email system. Please understand, these days people can send emails using whatever email address they want. Just because our email addresses are in an email, doesn’t mean the email was sent from or by us. We do NOT accept any liabilities, responsibilities or obligations whatsoever regarding illegal action of our users or spamming. But we will give our best to protect users and all other connected and involved people. In case of infringement, please report to our support and provide according data. Infringement of this rule results in immediate termination of all contracts and access and blocking of all activities of the according user. We also reserve the right to forward the according data to the victim, to be able to file a law suit and the party misusing our services or involved data might face according claims and penalties. For instance, FTC penalties for spam violations can be up to $11,000 per violation!

Law Enforcement

Using our websites, contents and offers, you agree to respect all given laws and you are responsible and agree to comply with all given laws.

We do protect your data and unlike necessary, we do not hand your data to third parties. One exception is, given the case, we do support law enforcement investigations and if requested, we do providing according personal or non-personal data.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (Google). Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files stored on your computer to enable analysis of website usage by you. Information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. This website uses IP anonymization. In case of activated IP anonymization, your IP address is previously truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states which are party to the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is a full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the United States and truncated there. On behalf of this website’s owner, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports about website activities, and provide the website’s operator with further services related to website and Internet usage. The IP address sent from your browser as part of Google Analytics is not merged with other data by Google. You can prevent storage of cookies by appropriately setting your browser software; in this case, however, please note that you might not be able to fully use all functions offered by this website. In addition, you can prevent data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) from being collected and processed by Google, by downloading and installing a browser plug-in from the following link:

Facebook Custom Audience

This website also collects data using Facebook Custom Audience. While we cannot access the stored data directly, the collected data can be used to provide you with news and offers based on your visits on our websites, again referring to your personal preferences and interests. Depending on the settings used, data is saved for max. 180 days. According offers are provided on Facebook. In case you don’t want to receive according offers and news, you can use the settings in the options of the according ad on Facebook.

Google Adsense

This website uses Google Adsense, a Web-advertising-service of Google Inc., United States ( “Google”). Google Adsense uses “cookies” (text files) that are stored on your computer and allows an analysis of the use of the Website by you. Google Adsense also uses so-called “web beacons” (small invisible images) to gather information. Through the use of Web beacons simple actions such as the visitor traffic to the website can be recorded and collected. The information generated by the cookie and / or Web Beacon information about your use of this site (), including your IP address will be transferred to a Google server in the U.S. and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the site in order to show, compiling reports on website activity and ads for website operators and providing other use of this website and internet related services. Even Google is able to transmit this information to third parties unless required by law or if third parties process this data on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. Storing cookies on your hard drive and the display of Web Beacons you can avoid by choosing to accept in your browser settings, “cookies” (in MS Internet Explorer under “Tools> Internet Options> Privacy> Settings”, in Firefox under Tools> Settings> Privacy> Cookies), we would point out however that in this case you can not use all the features of this website. By using this site you agree to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described, and agree to the aforementioned purpose.

Google +1

The collection and dissemination of data: The Google +1 button is a way for you to share information publicly with the world. The Google +1 button helps you and others receive personalized content from Google and our partners. The fact that you +1’d something will be recorded by Google, along with information about the page you were viewing when you clicked on the +1 button. Your +1’s may appear to others as an annotation with your profile name and photo in Google services (such as in search results or on your Google Profile) or elsewhere on websites and ads on the Internet. Google is recording information about your +1 activity in order to provide you and other users with a better experience on Google services. In order to use the Google +1 button, you need to have a public Google Profile visible to the world, which at a minimum includes the name you chose for the profile. That name will be used across Google services and in some cases it may replace another name you’ve used when sharing content under your Google Account. Google may display your Google Profile identity to people who have your email address or other identifying information. Use of the collected information: In addition to the above-described uses, the information you provide to Google is used subject to Google’s main Privacy Policy. Google may share aggregate statistics related to users’ +1 activity with the public, their users, and partners, such as publishers, advertisers, or connected sites. For example, they may tell a publisher that “10% of the people who +1’d this page are in Tacoma, Washington.”


We use social plug-ins from, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. The plug-ins can be recognized by way of the Facebook logo or the supplement “Facebook Social Plug-in”. For example, if you click on the “Like” button or leave a comment, the relevant information is transmitted directly from your browser to Facebook and stored there. Furthermore, Facebook makes your likes public for your Facebook friends. If you are logged into Facebook, it can assign the invocation of our page directly to your Facebook account. Even if you are not logged in or don’t have a Facebook account, your browser sends information (e.g. which web pages you have called up, your IP address) which is then stored by Facebook. For details about handling of your personal data by Facebook and your related rights, please refer to the data privacy policy of Facebook: If you do not want Facebook to map data collected about you via our Web sites to your Facebook account, you must log out of Facebook before you visit our web pages. Please understand, we only use Facebook social plug-ins. We do not know what kind of data Facebook is using or storing and we are not able to influence the according data. We offer no guarantees or warranties and accept no liabilities, responsibilities or obligations whatsoever regarding data that is collected or used by Facebook or other third parties.


With Twitter and its Retweet functions, we use social plug-ins from, operated by Twitter Inc. 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107. If you use Retweet, the websites visited by you are announced to third parties and associated with your Twitter account. Details about handling of your data by Twitter as well as your rights and setting options for protecting your personal information can be found in Twitter’s data privacy policy:


Our websites use cookies to distinguish individual users. For example, cookies are used in case you are logged in to a members area, so the website knows that you are logged in and which user you are. For instance, if you go to a social media website and log in, a session cookie is stored. If you close the website without logging out and come back later, you are still logged in. This would not be possible without cookies, since the session data is stored in a cookie and read back while opening the website again. Another example of cookie use are shopping carts.

Cookies are small text files, stored on the hard disk of your computer. Depending on the cookie, some are deleted when you close your browser, some are deleted after a given period of time and some are stored until you delete them or everything on your computer manually. Since cookies are stored by the according browser or application in use, in the settings your browser usually offers the option to use or deny cookies in general. Some browsers might offer advanced options like manual approvement and lists for allowed and denied websites. Also browsers usually offer the option to delete saved cookies. For further information on cookie settings please use the according documentation of your browser in use or perform an according online research.

Cookies are usually accepted in various browsers by default, since denying them might result in problems and limited experience regarding website use. Besides other problems and limitations, without cookies you will not be able to login to our members areas and make use of our products and offers. To use our services without problems and limitations, you have to allow or turn on the use of cookies.

Cookies can be and on our website will be used for a variety of reasons. Possible examples of use are analytical and statistical purpose, personalization like greeting you by name, optimizing our content, for example regarding language you use or content alignment according to your individual preferences, links of websites which you have already visited or also to provide you with offers relevant to your personal interests and preferences. For this particular purpose our cookies might also be used by partners. Please also understand, our partners might use cookies too. For instance, since we use Google Analytics to improve our services, Google Analytics might use separate cookies regarding but not tied to our website. Cookies are also used to save data you enter in form fields like contact forms, so you don’t have to re-enter the same data every time you use the contact form. Those are only examples of possible use of cookies, all of which serve the purpose to distinguish you from other users of our websites.

Our websites use Google Services. Google is using so called DART cookies to make served ads more relevant to you and your preferences and interests by using data based on websites you visited. You may want to stop the use of DART cookies. In this case please visit the Google ad and content network privacy policy:

Since we use third party technology, the creation of cookies is out of our control. But so far we have seen the following cookies being created by our websites:

– _ga: by Google Analytics, to distinguish users, expiration 2 years
– __gat: by Google Analytics, to throttle request rate, expiration 10 minutes
– _gads: by Google, for DoubleClick Product Advertising (to not see the same advertising over and over again, expiration 2 years
– cookie-notification-jc: accepting our cookie notification to not see the notification every time you visit, expiration December 2020
– 3 different cookies for the session of a logged in user, 3 different for 3 different paths on the website, expiration: 14 days 12 hours
–  test-cookie: just for text, i guess for checking if the browser allows cookies to be saved, expiration: with browser session
– settings-1: user specific settings for administrational users, specifically the content editor in use for the particular user, expiration: 1 year
– wp-settings-time-1: no data on the exact use, but the content of the cookie seems to be a time stamp, expiration: 1 year
– _utmz: by Google Analytics, data on the source where visitors come from to this site, expiration: 6 months
– _utmc: by Google Analytics, to determine if a user is in a new session, expiration: with browser session
– _utma: by Google Analytics, to distinguish users and sessions, expiration: 2 years

At the time of this recording NONE of the found cookies contains any personal data or IP addresses. For instance, for the _utmz cookie detail informations reveal, the user is “identified via a hash key”


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